Apathy, tired look, dull skin, excess weight, sad thoughts. The reasons for these problems are common: the accumulation of harmful substances due to vitamin deficiency, lack of oxygen, movement and sun. Our tips will help the body return to life after winter hibernation.

1. We wake up correctly

In the morning, lying in bed, open your eyes wide. Then open your mouth as if yawning (it removes the night tension of the jaw). Extend your arms behind your head, bending at your elbows. Now the legs. This allows you to launch energy flows. You will be cheerful and shining all day.

2. Glass of water

Waking up, drink a glass of water set next to the evening in small sips right in bed. French nutritionist Madeleine Gesta believes that this is the best way to get rid of swelling and establish the work of the intestines. She insists that you need to drink in a horizontal position for better drainage. Add a teaspoon of soda to a glass a couple of times a week to enhance the effect of detoxification.

3. Morning washing

The lower the water temperature, the longer the face will retain freshness. Just do not wipe it with ice! It dries the skin and damages the vessels. Better irrigate your face with a thermal spray from the refrigerator. Excessively tones the skin and a carbonated mineral water with ice-the favorite technique of top models Kate Moss.

4. Excessive lotion

Clinique experts are sure that it is necessary to remove dead cells from the skin twice a day. To do this, in the arsenal of the brand there are four exfoliating lotions for different skin types. Their effect turned out to be so obvious that now the piling lotions are included in the assortment of many famous brands.

5. Steam bath

Steam is the main enemy of the toxins and ally of a good mood. If you can’t get to the bathhouse, just hold your face over the steam for 10 minutes. Just do not lean low. You will be surprised how skin condition improves. Especially if you add a handful of chamomile to the water and drip your favorite essential oil. And on the face, first apply a clay -based mask. After steaming, rinse it with cool water. This technique is not suitable for those who have thin skin and prone to redness.

6. Bad

Drugs with vitamins, antioxidants, extracts of algae and active plants will help to enhance the withdrawal of toxins and recharge with energy. They must be taken constantly for 1-2 months. Best of all, they are absorbed during meals. Do not drink dietary supplements with caffeine drinks (coffee, tea, coal): it makes it difficult to assimilate them.

6. Vitamin C

Champion in instant skin revitalization and reloading of batteries. Dermatologist Nicholas Perricone recommends taking 1-2 g every morning. And the doctor Michel Pfulg-be sure to add omega-3 fatty acid capsules to it. Together with vitamin C, they form a persistent antioxidant complex. And of course, use the means with the active form of vitamin C at least two months a year.

7. Cardiotraining

During physical activity, blood circulation increases, metabolism increases, endorphins are released, contributing to a good mood, luster in the eyes and tone. Those who are categorically unsportsmanlike remain just walking faster. And you will have time everywhere and look good!

8. To give up smoking

Nicotine and resins contained in cigarette smoke give the skin a yellowish-earthly shade. Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) slows down the metabolism. Not to mention premature wrinkles, dryness, tone loss and risk of oncology. Arguments to combat smoking are enough.

9. Droppers and injections

Laennek, Kurasen – these Japanese names are included in the vocabulary of those who, with the help of the first drug, restore strength, health and heal damage to internal organs. And the second microinjections removes wrinkles and improves complexion.


In our country, genuine preparations are represented only by the RHANA clinic.

10. Doping drinks

Add cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and, if desired, honey to green tea. This drink increases the tone, improves blood circulation, strengthens the immunity, protects the skin and instantly revives the complexion.

eleven. Shiasu massage

Pressing the fingertips on the points near the nose, temples, wings of the nose, along the eyebrows, under the cheekbones and near the earlobes, you will set the outflow of lymph, remove the swelling and earthly skin, charge with energy and gain a positive mood.

12. Scrub

Scrubs are especially good helping oily and mixed skin types. Horn cells, pollution, residues of makeup “linen” in excess fat, provoking inflammation. The scrub granules clean up the lifeless layer, free the pores, polish the surface of the face and indirectly prevent early aging.

13. Vegetable broth

David Servraiber, the doctor and author of the book “Antirac”, considers a decoction of green vegetables (broccoli, zucchini, celery and onion-leggings) the best detox tool. The nutritionist Madlen gesture agrees with him. True, red vegetables are added to her recipe – pepper, tomatoes and carrots. The nutritionist calls his broth “Singing Skin Suns”. And offers to drink it in the evening, before or instead of dinner. Should not salt the decoction.

14. Detoxes

Cosmetics manufacturers realized that it is easier to stop the production of toxins and establish their leather output than to deal with the consequences of their detrimental effects. Each brand has its own view of the detox skin. Recently, detox mask and night creams with a similar effect have been popular.

15. Big clean

Once or twice a week, arrange a “general cleaning” of a face. Apply detoxification serum, on top of it-detox mask. After 20 minutes, irrigate the skin with a thermal spray and get wet with a napkin. Now again apply serum and generous layer of cream. By the way, if you apply a detox or just a moisturizing mask in front of the shower, then the water will not dry the skin.

16. Contrast procedures

On the day when everything goes awry and there is no more strength left, arrange for yourself and the skin of a “shake”. Put two bowls next to the sofa – with hot and icy water. Drip into the first citrus essential oil or throw a little lemon zest. And in the second – mint or lavender elixir (you can use the decoctions of these herbs). Sin in hot water a towel, squeeze and attach to your face for 20 seconds, patting yourself with your palms. Then do the same with icy water. After two or three contrasting sets, the skin will tighten, smooth out. The psychological effect will be akin to a sense of relief.

17. Sex

It is believed that the night of love is the best alternative to cosmetics and tranquilizers. But few people know that morning sex is healthier for health and appearance than evening or night. Awakening, our body reacts more acutely, the metabolism is activated, endorphins are produced more actively. You will meet with shining eyes and skin and will stay in a beautiful mood until evening!